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You entered the Burns dialect of Numu (Northern Paiute)

oono, pro.

distal temporal demonstrative

Other pronunciations



  • "Oo'no, 'Hayu usu e pia tenikwehe?' mii u tebinga, oonosu u nakapunni."
    "Then, 'How does she, your mother sing?' so ask it, and then listen to it."
    (Spoken by Nepa Kennedy)
  • Uu ma'na'wi, ka oo'no u yaduicaide kwa'ni tia'a.
    Thus it continues to do, as if (your're) talking to it.
    (Spoken by Nepa Kennedy)
  • Oo'no nemmi ka una'yuna u yaduicai'yakwi.
    At the time, when we were out there, (we) would talk to it.
    (Spoken by Nepa Kennedy)
  • O pisa neemmapenni oo'no tabiduano, nemmi tehona ooteu ka himma tsuga.
    It was a good feeling then with the sunshine, and we dug that bisquitroot right there.
    (Spoken by Nepa Kennedy)
  • Oo'nosu hii unau su tenna una inakwa wenebodoti.
    And at that time those things out there, the antelope out there nearby were just standing around here and there.
    (Spoken by Nepa Kennedy)