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You entered the Burns dialect of Numu (Northern Paiute)

oosu, dem.

that (distal demonstrative)

Related words

bare stem  oo

Other pronunciations



  • "Oo saa'a nakapunni, hayu saa'a eniwenne" mi'i.
    "Then listen to it, how it responds," she said.
    (Spoken by Nepa Kennedy)
  • Oo yaisi atasu tiwau su hudziba tiwau eniwene.
    And then again the bird was saying something different.
    (Spoken by Nepa Kennedy)
  • Uu ma'na'wi, ka oo'no u yaduicaide kwa'ni tia'a.
    Thus it continues to do, as if (your're) talking to it.
    (Spoken by Nepa Kennedy)
  • Miiu uu.
    That's how it was.
    (Spoken by Nepa Kennedy)
  • Nemmi ka oo iwa'yuna owi nokadenna [m]i piano su i mu'a.
    We were out there, camping out there as a group with my mother and maternal grandmother.
    (Spoken by Nepa Kennedy)

locatival  o'o

locatival  una

Other pronunciations

oona (Bridgeport), oona (Mono Lake), oona (Walker River)


  • Unau ka mi tehona una'yu sawanaga'yu yaganna naka'yakwi.
    Out there when we're digging roots, we'd hear it calling out from among the sagebrush.
    (Spoken by Nepa Kennedy)
  • Oo'no nemmi ka una'yuna u yaduicai'yakwi.
    At the time, when we were out there, (we) would talk to it.
    (Spoken by Nepa Kennedy)
  • Oo'nosu hii unau su tenna una inakwa wenebodoti.
    And at that time those things out there, the antelope out there nearby were just standing around here and there.
    (Spoken by Nepa Kennedy)
  • Oo ka unaku tuamega, su tenna.
    And (they) had fawns out there, that antelope.
    (Spoken by Nepa Kennedy)
  • Yaisi me ddooga peno'o una peno'o peesu tehoawai, me ddooga.
    And the dogs, too, were out there hunting on their own, those dogs.
    (Spoken by Nepa Kennedy)

Derivative words and phrases